Free Components

Free Components for Joomla 5

Free components for Joomla 5 are a fantastic way to add extra functionality and features to your website without any additional costs. There are a variety of free components available that can help you achieve different goals, such as creating custom forms, managing events, or even adding a forum. Whether you're running a blog, an e-commerce store, or a social network, these components can enhance any Joomla 5 website.

It’s important to remember that just because a component is free doesn’t mean it lacks quality. Many free components are well-designed, reliable, and efficient. Be sure to explore your options and read user reviews before installing one to ensure it meets your needs.

Event Gallery Joomla component image

Event Gallery

Event Gallery is a Joomla 4 component that allows users to create and manage photo galleries for events. ...
Phoca Gallery Joomla component image

Phoca Gallery: The Ultimate Joomla! Image Gallery Solution

Showcasing Your Media with Phoca Gallery: A Joomla! Solution Looking for a seamless way to display images and videos on your Joomla! website? Phoca G...
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