CSS Toolbox

Mastering Tooltips with Balloon.css: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Tooltips with Balloon.css: A Comprehensive Guide

The page you provided is the project page for Balloon.css, created by kazzkiq. Balloon.css is a tool for creating simple tooltips using pure CSS, eliminating the need for JavaScript​​.

Here are some features of Balloon.css:

  1. Positioning: You can use the data-balloon-pos attribute to position your tooltips. Available values are: up, down, left, right, up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right​​.

  2. Length: By default, tooltips will always remain single-line no matter their length. You can change this behavior by using the data-balloon-length attribute with one of the values: small, medium, large, or fit​​.

  3. Disabling Animation: If for some reason you do not want animations in your tooltips, you can use the data-balloon-blunt attribute​​.

  4. Programmatically Showing Tooltips: If you want to show tooltips even when user interaction isn't happening, you can simply use the data-balloon-visible attribute​.

  5. Customizing Tooltips: Balloon.css exposes three CSS variables to make it easier to customize tooltips: --balloon-color, --balloon-font-size, and --balloon-move. This way you can use custom CSS to create your own tooltip styles​​.

  6. Glyphs and Icon Fonts: You can also add any HTML special character to your tooltips, or even use third-party Icon fonts​​.

To use Balloon.css, you can import the CSS using a CDN, download it from GitHub and load it locally, or if you're using npm, simply install it with npm i balloon-css --save and then import it in your JS file​.

However, keep in mind that Balloon.css makes use of pseudo-elements, so self-closing elements like <img>, <input>, and <hr> will not render tooltips. Also, if pseudo-elements are already in use on an element, the tooltip will conflict with them, resulting in potential bugs​​.

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Download: balloon.css-master.zip

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