SEO free tools

Screenshot of Ahrefs Webmaster Tools homepage, highlighting key features such as SEO health check, backlink analysis, and keyword traffic insights.

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools Review: Free SEO Audit & Insights for Website Growth

The Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (AWT) page presents a comprehensive suite of SEO tools aimed at improving website

performance and increasing traffic from search results. It is free for website owners and requires website ownership verification for use.

Key Features of Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

  1. SEO Health Monitoring: AWT scans websites for over 140 common SEO issues, providing advice on fixing them and tracking SEO health over time.
  2. Backlink Data Analysis: It offers extensive backlink data with various reports and filters, giving insights into inbound and outbound link profiles.
  3. Keyword Traffic Insights: Users can see which keywords bring traffic to their sites, understand SEO potential, and view metrics like search volume and keyword difficulty.

Comparison with Google Search Console

AWT positions itself as a complementary tool to Google Search Console, filling in gaps where Google's tool lacks. It provides more detailed SEO issue advice, displays all known backlinks and keywords, and offers additional SEO metrics.

Why Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is Free

Ahrefs advocates the accessibility of quality information. This free tool supports website owners who might not afford professional SEO tools, helping them make their content more discoverable.


  1. How many websites can I use AWT for?

    • You can use AWT on an unlimited number of verified websites.
  2. Is there a page crawl limit?

    • Yes, there's a limit of 5,000 crawl credits per project per month.
  3. Can I see all my website’s backlinks and keywords?

    • Yes, AWT shows all known backlinks and keywords with options to export data.
  4. Can I upgrade to a premium Ahrefs subscription later?

    • Yes, AWT accounts can be upgraded to a premium Ahrefs subscription.
  5. Are AWT tools different from Ahrefs' premium tools?

    • The tools and data are the same, but Ahrefs' subscribers have higher data allowances and access to premium tools.

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